Dedicated Auto Calibrator for Position Sensing&Setting

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Dedicated Auto Calibrator for Position Sensing&Setting


Dedicated Auto Calibrator for Position Sensing&Setting


Applying Field : Control & analysis of industrial machinery, Automotive actuation unit, etc.

We can develop all types of embeded systems for control & analysis for your application.
We can develop dedicated hardware and software for each customer's customization.
Our embeded system is reliable and built to last for a long time without any maintenance.
We always pursue user friendly environment and compatibility for our customers when it comes to the development.
We have a standardized hardware platform to offer so that the development can be done at very reasonable budget and reduce delivery lead time.

弊社では、お客様の用途に合わせたあらゆる種類の制御・分析用内蔵システムを開発から承ります。 また、お客様によるカスタマイズ通りの専用ハードウェアおよびソフトウェアも開発いたします。 弊社の内蔵システムは信頼性が高く、メンテナンス不要で長期間の使用に耐える耐久性の高い設計となっています。